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...I'm drowning in the shadows, the shadows created by fear...

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We are Shrines of Dying Light, a Swiss Metal Band playing Melancholic Doom Metal.. 


Welcome to our Website!

Here you can find background informations about our project, exclusive Merch and more.


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In our Blog below you can find all of our updates ever made. They contain additional infos.

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Press review and interview in Sonic Seducer

In the upcoming november issue of german magazine "Sonic Seducer" there is an interview and the first public album review for "Sadness"....

Sadness-Presale starting soon

The time has come. Our raw tracks are at Rosenquartz Tonstudio in Lubeck, Germany for Mixing and Mastering. Now everything will come very...

Some nerdy recording facts

In this blog post, I'd like to tell you some of the things we have changed in the recording process. Even if it took us more time, We...

Milestone: Julians vocals have been tracked

In the second vocal session, all of the songs have been recorded within 12 hours of singing. Still, there is not every voice tracked yet....

Milestone: Lead Guitar is tracked

Roman has finished the recordings for himself. The recording of the solos, effects and general lead guitar has been sucessful. All the...

Milestone: Bass lines have been recorded

And the next milestone has been reached: We have finished the recording of the bass lines and are getting in the hot phase of our...

Milestone: Rhythm guitar is tracked

On sunday, Julian and Roman recorded the rhythm guitar tracks for Sadness. That was a painful day for Julians fingers, but a very...

Milestone: Drum lines finished

The first milestone has been reached. Our drum lines have been recorded and edited. On sunday, we are going to track the rhythm guitar...

Interview with Julian published

The german news site have published an article, including an interview with Julian. Thanks to Jacob! Unfortunately Julians words...

All infos to our new Album 2020

Now it's official and we're very happy to announce all of the details to our new album coming in november. The new album will be a...

First Shoutout Pitches of curators

We're happy to announce that our music has been shoutout pitched on Spotify by curators Shellshocked Radio and - thanks alot!

New Album Release Date and further Details

Our new Album will be a concept album, released on 13th of november 2020 - the same date our release show in Sedel will take part. Be...

Spring Merch Discount

In times like these, we would like to make you a small moment of doomy happiness. This is why we have decided to make a spring discount...

General Update

We have revealed another step of the artwork of out new Album. Find it in our Facebook page or Instagram. Also we now have scheduled the...

New Album: Update

Now we have written all the songs and arranged/produced them. Next step: Practising very much. If anything works out as expected, we are...

Off to a new year

We'd like to thank all of you for your support in the past. Now we're off to a new decade and we're going to start it with producing our...

Review and next steps

We've played at BloodFest Vol I on saturday and like to thank every person involved. The gig was great! See more in our Media section. We...

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© 2022 by Shrines of Dying Light.

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